Trust Him

How do we trust God? How do we follow him not just in the good times but in the bad times to? Why does God allow suffering? “Everything under heaven belongs to me.. says the lord…”


Chapter 38 of the book of Job is just at taste of God’s first rebuke. In it He takes Job through the creative process of Genesis, and with the use of irony, sarcasm and a series of rhetorical questions He puts Job in his place.Job 38:1-41 & 40:1-5

Skin in the Game

In Galatians 1, Paul blows his own trumpet, or does he? Is his authority really a divine authority? Is his message really a divine message, one received by revelation from Jesus Christ himself? Join us for the first in a series on the challenging book of Galatians. Galatians 1


Because of Jesus and by the Holy Spirit, we are able to enter into a relationship with God that is so personal that we can’t help but call Him Daddy. Galatians 4:1-7