The very act of prayer guards our hearts and our minds. It is like the defensive wall or moat around a Castle. It doesn’t guarantee protection, but it makes a big difference! Philippians 4:4-9
The Right Seed
In Christ, bearing the fruit of repentance and eternal life, we are able to expose the truth, live the truth and speak the truth. Philippians 3:15-21
Take Out The Trash
As long as their is sin in the world there will always be setbacks and there will always be people claiming that their road is the right road. However in Christ we have not only the right road, but the only road leading to God. Philippians 3:1-13
Good Purpose
In Christ we have a good and proper purpose: one that the very creator of the universe works out in us. Philippians 2:12-18
Selfish Ambition
Let go of selfish ambition and instead embrace the joy, comfort, unity, love, Spirit, tenderness and compassion of Christ. Philippians 2:1-11
Fearless Living
Knowing Christ enables us to live fearlessly. And when we are without fear, our lives can truely abound in love. Philippians 1
Welcome Home
Like Onesimus, we are all running away from something in our lives. And in our running we have left destruction of varying degrees in our wake. Only Christ is able to pay for the destruction we have caused — all our outstanding fines and all our debt — in order Read more…