The Easter Pilgrimage
Easter is a big deal at Stockton Anglican and we celebrate it with great joy. We hope that our services during the easter period can provide a season of pilgrimage for those who are considering the faith or wanting to deepen their walk with Christ. Please find below all our celebration times leading up to the Easter feast.
Palm Sunday – 13th of April
Join us as we commemorate Jesus’ triumphal entry and welcome into Jerusalem.
8:00am Communion: a traditional service with hymns led by our choir, and a celebration of the Lord’s Supper.
10:00am Worship: A contemporary service with modern worship songs led by our band, and age appropriate teaching for children including our Sunday School program.
Maundy Thursday – 17th of April
Join us as we remember Jesus’ command to love and serve one another with foot washing and a celebration of The Lord’s Supper.
7:00pm Communion: a reflective traditional service where we follow Jesus’ example of service through the washing of feet.
Good Friday – 18th April
Join us as we reflect on Jesus’ crucifixion and death by which God forgives us of our sin.
7:00pm Communion: a reflective traditional service where we take part in the proclamation of the cross.
Easter Sunday – 20th of April
Join us as we celebrate the biggest day in the Christian Calendar.
9:00am Combined: a mix of both traditional and contemporary styles of service with hymns led by our choir. An Easter Egg Hunt and Hot Cross Buns will be provided for all in attendance.